MONDAY - FRIDAY 09:00 - 17:00

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Immun Analysers

DXI 600

UniCel® DxI 600 Access® Immunoassay System

Why have 50 Reagent spaces on-board?

To provide the Flexibility you want.

With up to 50 reagents on-board, the UniCel DxI 600 Access Immunoassay System enables you have the flexibility to run both routine and specialized tests with amazing simplicity. The DxI® 600 allows laboratories to decrease process steps and improve turn around time - with astounding ease of use. The DxI 600 uses the same reagents as other UniCel Access systems, so your laboratory can deliver consistent patient results, no matter which Beckman Coulter immunoassay system performs the test.

A technology continuum and identical reagents guarantee consistent patient results

Proven chemiluminescent detection delivers excellent precision and sensitivity with a broad dynamic range

Streamlined sample handling

On-board aliquot capability

Innovative system delivers powerful efficiency